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Father's Day Pen

It’s always a struggle to figure out what to get my dad for father’s day. I’m a pretty practical person, so I like to get people things they need- but if my dad needs something, he’s either bought it or it’s out of the price range for a college grad student. So, with my newly found interest in woodworking, I ventured into the realm of turning acrylic.

The acrylic I worked with was from Woodcraft, and was ExTrEmElY hard to cut through. There was a bit of a snafu with the bit getting stuck in blank when I went to drill out holes for the tubes. All was well after a few stressful minutes.

The best part about turning acrylic is using the micromesh sanding pads to get it as smooth and polished as glass. It turned out way better than I would have expected.

Dad's pen (right, red) and a pen Derek made for his dad (left)

Tucked away in the velvet case I also found at Woodcraft